Session: Open Source: The Next Generation

More than 50% of developers want to contribute to Open Source but haven’t yet. Most of them aren’t confident in their abilities or don’t know where to get started. With the demand for high quality Open Source software rapidly outpacing maintainer capacity, creating better onramps into the community is an imperative for all of us. While #GoodFirstIssues and introductory events are a start, they aren’t enough if we want to train a new generation of truly Great Open Source Citizens. Instead we should be asking ourselves how to make Open Source a default part of the global software engineering curriculum. How do we ensure that every new developer coming online has the experience and confidence necessary to contribute to Open Source successfully on day one?

During this talk, Swift will share insights from running the largest community of early career developers in the world and lessons learned from using Open Source to reimagine the future of tech internships to answer that question. You’ll walk away with new ideas about how you can help educate, mentor, and inspire our next generation of Great Open Source citizens too.


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