Session: Seeking vs. Wandering: How Curiosity, Play, and “Wasted Time” Lead to Healthier, More Successful Careers

How did a college dropout living in a van make his way into a successful career in tech and a happy life?

In this talk, Jason Lengstorf will share his wandering journey through music, entrepreneurship, failure, and success, along with lessons and concepts that have shaped both his journey and his outlook on life, including:

  • Skill transfer across industry — what does being a broke musician teach someone about running a web agency? A lot more than you might think!
  • Increased success through exploration — figuring out how to manufacture custom rubber ducks might not sound like the kind of thing that gets you promoted, but you might be surprised.
  • More effective teams through empathy and curiosity — being unable to read or speak can teach you a lot about management, it turns out.

This keynote will show success through a different lens — one where quitting and failure don’t mean starting over; where seemingly unrelated skills create exciting new possibilities; where not having a plan may just be the best plan of all.
