Session: Building a Data Mesh With Open Source Technologies

The Data Mesh is a massive tsunami in the data engineering world. This new(ish) concept is allowing to bring higher data quality, clearer data ownership, better governance, and more. If I had to summarize what the Data Mesh is bringing in two words, it would be trust & agility.

As the Data Mesh is still in its infancy, there are no solutions and no open source solutions. There are bits and pieces everywhere.

I will first introduce the data mesh and its four principles in this talk. Then, I will dive into how to build one while relying on Open Source technologies, sharing some of the dangers, experiences, successes, and adjustments we went through at PayPal.

Takeaways: understand what the Data Mesh is bringing to your data engineering organization and build your Data Mesh with Open Source tools & components.

Audience: anyone interested in the future of data engineering.


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