Session: How to Build Full-stack Web3 Apps Faster With Hyperledger FireFly Supernodes

Hyperledger FireFly is the first open-source Supernode: a complete stack for enterprises to build and scale secure Web3 applications.

FireFly features a full suite of APIs and microservices that simplify the plumbing layers of blockchain development. This lets developers focus on the good parts of building a Web3 app, making it possible to get to production much, much faster.

In this session we’ll show you how building an app on a FireFly Supernode can radically speed up your development time. You’ll learn how to:

  • Use FireFly’s APIs as the building blocks for your Web3 app
  • Build an enterprise multi-party network with multiple FireFly nodes
  • Use FireFly as an enterprise Web3 gateway working with both public and private blockchains

You’ll also see a live demo showing how easy it is to get up and running on FireFly.
