Jerome J. Sanders

Jerome is a Business Development Manager with over eight years of professional Information Technology (IT) experience driving a culture of innovation and inclusivity at Cisco. As a Business Development Manager, Jerome incubates new business opportunities working on breakthrough, emerging solutions, validating solutions with design partners, and creates new markets and businesses for Cisco.

In addition, Jerome plays a leadership role in Cisco’s Social Justice Action 12 initiative, which is responsible for advancing Human Rights in Technology solutions such as human rights by design, accessibility by design, and inclusive naming.

As a rising intrapreneur, Jerome also serves as part of Cisco’s Culture Ambassadors, transforming his company culture by consulting with Cisco’s Executive Leadership Team and developing large scale company solutions.

Additionally, Jerome is one of three United Nations Global Compact Young Innovators representing Cisco in the USA Network, working towards connecting the next billion internet users by 2030.

Finally, Jerome is chairman of First Tech Fund, a 501c3 non-profit, focused on bridging the digital divide for underrepresented youth in New York, NY.

When he is not working on his intrapreneurial ventures and influencing company culture, Jerome enjoys traveling the world, training for his upcoming triathlons, finding creative ways to connect people and technologies, and giving back to his communities.