Ana Jiménez Santamaría
Ana is the OSPO Program Manager at the TODO Group, a open source Linux Foundation project and an open group of Open Source Program Office practitioners who want to collaborate on best practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective Open Source initiatives. Formerly she worked at Bitergia, a Software Development Analytics firm, and she has recently finished her MSc in Data Science, whose final thesis focused on measuring DevRel’s success within Open Source development communities.
Ana is really interested in Open Source, InnerSource, and community metrics. She has been a speaker at some international conferences such as GitHub Universe, FOSSBackstage Berlin, Open Compliance Summit Japan, DevRelCon Tokyo, OpenInfraDays, DevRelCon London, ISC Summit or OSSummit (Japan, Europe and NA).
During her spare time, you can find Ana practicing yoga or illustrating.